This is really awesome. Wanna play Name the Queen?


Queens of England by George S. Stuart

Seven Quick Takes Friday–Vol. X

I. WHAT a week. It felt so long! But there were some highlights, like having dinner/ girl time with T on Monday (yeah Olive Garden!), getting in some Ballet beautiful workouts, watching good movies, and reading good books.

II. What good books, you may ask? I shall tell you! The Constant Princess, The Queen’s Fool, Traveling With Pomegranates, Henry VIII (FINALLY finished it!), and The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted, which is a collection of short stories by the fabulous Elizabeth Berg. I also finished my re-read of Mansfield Park and Emma, and now I’m on Persuasion.

III. It’s been hot here. No joke. Really, really hot. It might rain now—we’re getting a lot of thunder—but who knows. I would like it to be no higher than 85 for like a week, please.

IV.Tonight I’m having dinner w/ my parents at Old Bag of Nails (one of my favs!) and mom and I have to access the port. Oh. Joy!

V. Lots of church stuff this weekend. Tomorrow I have an interview with the Formation Council of my Lay Dominican chapter, to see if I am ready to take the next set of promises in December (I’ll write more about this later). And Sunday is our annual day of recollection, a retreat. I am really looking forward to this. I missed it last year because I was on vacay, so this will be my first one. It’s at St. Therese Retreat Center, and I always have lots of good spiritual enlightenment there. I am hoping it will not be too hot so that I can do the outdoor stations and walk around the grounds a little. I’ve never been there in summer.

VI. (And yup, now it’s raining.)

VII. Very excited that The Dark Knight Rises has begun shooting in the ‘Burgh. In celebration I have been watching Batman Begins. 🙂

Have a great weekend!

For more quick takes, go to Jen’s. 🙂

From L: King George VI military uniform; dresses for Lilbet and Margaret; an outfit for the Queen. (I think these are all from the Coronation Council sequence)


Colin Firth & Helena Bonham Carter – The King’s Speech 

The Simple Woman’s Daybook–July 26, 2011

Outside  my window…clear, sunny, and hot, but not as hot as it has been.

I am thinking…that I still have a lot of packing to do. That means finding lots of boxes.

I am thankful for…my friends, A/C, my family

From the kitchen…made pasta puttanesca on Sunday. Bought the fixings for the classic tomato and onion salad. Makes a good snack/light meal.

I am wearing…dark brown shorts and a bright pink camisole

I am readingSister (just finished it). Sooooo good. More to come.Also finished my re-read of Mansfield Park and Emma.

I am hoping…to find a lot of boxes. 🙂

In the CD player…Loreena McKennit, “An Ancient Muse”

Around the house…packing. Taking down the stuff on the walls. General cleaning. I did a massive closet purge on Saturday which was very satisfying, and mopped the floor.

A few plans for the rest of the week…Th: Lunch w/ my dad, 20s group at St. Pat’s; Saturday, interview with the formation council of Lay Dominicans at my parish, to determine if I’m ready to take additional vows in December (temporary vows); Sunday, an all-day retreat with my Lay Dominican chapter. Really looking forward to that.

Thought of the day…”Love, Love, Love…that is the soul of genius.”