1,000+ changes later….


That’s right–more than 1,000 changes later….

I have edited the first manuscript copy of THE BOOK.

And I’m adding pages.

I can’t believe I made more than 1,000 changes, but….since it’s track changes, some of those are things like fixing spelling errors and spacing issues, but most of them are actual word changes. Real editing not just clean-up and formatting.

So now it’s on to writing more chapters (because an ending was one of my big initial issues with the m/s)!

agnes yay

Yarn Along No. 14

Yarn Along No. 14

So today’s yarn along features–the cowl! Again! 🙂

Length of the cowl before yesterday's knitting.

Length of the cowl before yesterday’s knitting.

I actually think I might be nearing the end of it. I bought four balls of this yarn during a yarn sale in 2013, and I wasn’t sure how many I’d need for this project, but I think as I near the end of this ball (the second), I’ll be done with the cowl! Right now it would  fit pretty well around my neck, but I’m not sure about getting it over my head in one piece.


The pink yarn is for another bookmark. Yes, I know. The macaron sampler kit from Knitpicks has 10 balls of yarn, and I’ve made about four bookmarks so far. So six to go. I like doing these with fingering yarn because it’s a good way to get the feel for the yarn and see how each ball knits up. (Plus, I always need bookmarks!) It’s also great practice for my garter stitch, which I now have much confidence in. 🙂 (I got the macaron sampler kit, and the Harmony needles you see in the ball, as a Christmas gift.)

As far as reading, I’ve started Alexander McCall Smith’s Trains and Lovers: A Novel, and I’m almost done with Benedict XVI’s Prayer. I’m also diving into Apollo’s Angels: A History of Balletwhich I’ve had for awhile, and re-reading The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful, which is here under the pink yarn. Whew!

(Also, the little bit of yarn you see on the cowl that’s sticking out a bit? That’s where I joined the balls of yarn. That part will be woven in as part of my finishing.)