Daybook No. 85

Daybook No. 85


Outside my window:

It’s that washed-blue sky, light clouds. Winter is coming, though (a la Game of Thrones….). We’re getting snow tonight, and tomorrow, and on Wednesday the low is supposed to be -4. Yeah, that’s right. -4.


So I am mostly staying in. Not that that’s a problem!


I just finished a yoga class (via a website), so yoga pants in a bright orangey-red, and a long-sleeved gray t-shirt, because, again, it’s cold. 🙂 No makeup. Contacts are in though, so I’m not being totally slackerly in the looks department. 🙂


The Death Class, which is really great so far. I mean sort of addictive. It was hard to stop and take yoga class and eat lunch! Also reading Pope Benedict XVI’s general audiences on Prayer, for my spiritual reading. After Class, I think I’m starting either Middlemarch or Our Mutual Friend. May. May not. 🙂 And still reading Elizabeth of York, for my dash of British history.

Around the house::

Today is the normal mop/vacuum/dust/sweep/take the trash out before it snows combo. As part of this, I’m also doing some decluttering as I go about, particularly in the Book Room and in the DVD collection. I also have some plans for wall art–things to hang, etc., but it requires getting frames. I’ve always wanted photos and posters and things like that going up the staircase, so we’ll see how far I can get in that goal. I have some gorgeous pictures of Paris that I bought at the city art festival years ago, but never framed, so those are a top priority, because they’re too pretty to just be sitting around despondently.


I have two writing goals–blogging three days a week, and working on the Book for 30 minutes every day, before noon. So far I have hit both goals. However, it’s only January Fifth. 🙂 Generally I’ve been doing my Office, my lectio (Bible reading), and then going for the writing. So far this is a good plan (because I don’t even need to get dressed to write, right? I can just sit here with my coffee in my PJs!)

From the kitchen::

Here’s this week’s meal plan, dinner-wise:

Tonight: Beef chili

Tuesday: Sesame Turkey Meatballs from The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook.

Wednesday: Jamie Oliver’s stew. (When it’s -4, you want stew. That’s that.)

Thursday: Mustardy pork chops (a favorite around here)

Friday: Lunch–spicy shrimp with yogurt. I might be going out that night with the parents or having dinner at a friend’s, so I’m not entirely sure what dinner looks like.

Saturday we’re going to the symphony, so we’ll be eating out post Mass.

One of the great things I did over the weekend, when I saw the weather forecast, was take stock of my freezer. I buy meal and fish on sale throughout the year just for winter snaps like this, and I found I had:

  • 2 pk. of thick-cut pork chops
  • 3 lbs. of ground beef
  • 2 lbs. of ground turkey
  • a bag of shrimp
  • 1 lb. stew meat
  • tilapia filets

Thus, you can see why my menu is a bit meat heavy! Well that, and I’m having a colonoscopy next week. To prep for that, I have to stop my vitamins tomorrow, and since I”m anemic, I want to be loading up on the meat for the iron, and eating lots of iron-rich things. So GO MEAT. 🙂

So, I suggest taking stock of the freezer, writing down what you have, and then meal planning from that, if you’re in a “I need to shop quickly and cheaply” situation, because you might be like me and find many nice things!


Like I said, yoga today. Last week I exercised four days in a  row and lost two pounds. Yay! So since it’s going to be so cold, it’s going to be at home workouts until at least Friday. So I’m thinking yoga, ballet beautiful, and things like that, and I do have some small dumbbells here, so I can do some weight training to fill in any gaps, although I doubt there will be any. Yoga is great for giving your arms and core a workout.

In the CD player::

The film soundtrack to Mary Poppins. Singing along to “Sister Suffragette” is fun. But since Christmas isn’t over by the Breviary until Sunday–and the old calendar until Candlemas, which is February Second! –the Christmas music is still in rotation.



Christmas Train set. Pretty, no?

Outside my window::

Daybook No. 73–in which there is much excitement!

OK, I’m just going to lead off with the excitement.  🙂

I am going to meet Diana Gabaldon.

If you don’t know who that is, you haven’t read Outlander. Or watched Outlander (on Starz!)

Jamie and Claire, the main characters of Outlander

Jamie and Claire, the main characters of Outlander

You really need to fix both those things, by the way.

Anyway, I’ve been hooked since a friend of mine sent me Outlander as a Christmas gift one year. I watch the show religiously, and re-watch it….I love Outlander Kitchen!

And now I’m going to meet the author. She’s coming to Westerville, and I have my ticket for a meet and greet before her talk at the local high school. It’s a library fundraiser. Tickets sold out in thirty six minutes this morning, and it’s only because one of my theater friends works for the library, and knows how much I love Outlander, and who reminded me that tickets went on sale this morning, that I have one.

So I am going to meet her.

I am tres excited, people. Really freaking excited.

November 15!!!!!

If you want to come to the talk at Westerville Central, here’s the details. I imagine the tickets will go very quickly!


Now, on to our regularly scheduled Daybook!

  Oh, and take my poll. Thanks. It’s important. I’ll tell you why later this week.

Outside my window::

A little cloudy, blue skies, breezy, very fall.


My workout clothes, since I just came from working out. 🙂


Dragonfly in Amber (the second Outlander series book) , The Artist’s Way, Summa of the Summa, and Unlimited by Jillian Michaels, which is quite good.


This week is the last week of Pulm Rehab, and then I’m entirely on my own!That’s sort of scary, but I think it’s totally doable, since I really like (almost love, shockingly) my gym. So the plan is MTW work out, Th rest day, Fri-Sat workout, Sunday rest day, with strengthening things happening in a rotation: arms, legs, core, etc., one per workout day. I also want to work in some restorative yoga classes.

And today I finally ran for a solid minute! Not 56 or 58 seconds! yay!

Living the Liturgy::

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Our Lady of Sorrows


From the kitchen::

Dinner tonight w/ Mom and Dad But the rest of this week contains: Moroccan fish; chicken fajitas; pan fried pork chops; chopped salad; salmon tikka; pea and mint soup, and Spanish skirt steak.

Yum and yummmmm!


Around the house::

The usual cleaning and tidying and all that. I actually got into a pretty good housekeeping groove last week so I want to keep it going–dishes in the dishwasher, nothing in the sink, no dishes on the table after meals. It was nice!



Working my way through The Artist’s Way, and pondering NaNoWriMo 2014!

Catholic Women’s Daybook No. 57




Outside my window::

spring rain. The grass is that lovely bright early spring green and daffodils, crocus and even some tulips are appearing! The trees suddenly got their white buds and early green leaves yesterday (of course it was almost 80 degrees, so I bet that helped.)


jeans, grey v-neck t-shirt, silver earrings. I had an early lab draw at the Resort this morning so I chose an easy outfit.


Just finished Letters to Malcolm, which is one of the books my brother got me for my birthday last week. It was lovely, as is everything Lewis wrote. Reading B XVI’s Holy Women now but might finish that today. Also re-reading Inside the Passion and the second part of B XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: the Holy Week book.

Around the house:

Surprisingly, not a whole lot. I have to mop the kitchen floor and work on the master bath a bit (change the bathmats in there) but the place is in pretty good shape!

In the Kitchen::

Well Friday will be sort of short shrift, eh? 🙂 Tonight is chicken and vegetables, Tuesday is 2 bean weeknight chili (it’s amazing), Wednesday is a turkey burger and Thursday–no idea. Maybe pasta?

Working out::

Rehab M and W, not Friday. Going to yoga class tomorrow and maybe Thursday morning? We’ll see if I can get up in time. 🙂


It’s a big week. Hoping to make it to adoration at my church M and W, definitely will tomorrow. Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 and then adoration following; Good Friday service starts at noon (my parish has someone preach the Seven Last Words), and then Easter, of course. 🙂

In the CD player::

Rotating between Part II of Messiah and Lent at Ephesus. Really, part II of Messiah is so overlooked. And it’s great music.


Seven Quick Takes No. 45


You may have noticed it’s been Jane Austen week here at LA. If you missed them, here are links: Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility; Femininity in Sense and Sensibility; Northanger Abbey’s Unlikely Heroine; The Relationships in Pride and Prejudice. Today is the last day in the series, so I’ll have a post on that up later today (on Emma, I think).


And, also, here are my retreat recap notes.


This week I also turned 32 (on Wednesday). Yeehaw! I always get excited when I get a year older. I defy people who do not acknowledge how old they are. 🙂 I had a really nice birthday, got lots of books and got myself some Doctor Who Series 2 on sale, so even better. We had ice cream cake and there were hockey victories and overall it was glorious.


OK, so on Goodreads, I notice that everyone who reads Moby-Dick likes it but me. Am I the only one who really despises it, or are my friends on GR just crazy literate and/or nuts? Help?

Fun fact: I actually got into an argument with one of my boyfriends about this topic. That’s my life, folks.


Rehab continues apace. It seems to be going really well so we might actually extend it. I’m fighting a cold so I’m going to be on increased steroids, which means I’ll probably want to eat the table. Oh well. Whatever, right? Could be worse. I have to do the treadmill today–dratness–but it’s also Friday so that’s happy.

Today is also National Blue and Green Day for Organ Donation Awareness. Are you an organ donor? If not, please be one.Thank you. I’ll be at Lifeline of Ohio’s Candlelight Vigil for Donation tonight. Actually, all of April is Donate Life Month. It’s very a propos for me. So, if you’re not an organ donor–be one? Please? 🙂


And finally: went to yoga class this week for the first time in a long time. It was pretty epic and I had a blast.

Seven Quick Takes No. 43



It’s a hockey night! Tonight I’m going to the Penguins/Jackets game with my dad. It’s my first Jackets game this season, so I’m really excited to go. I love hockey. Dad took me to my first game when I was about seven or eight and I was hooked. (If you’re a hockey fan: that was so long ago, Hartford still had a hockey team….) We are Pens fans, originally, but we love the Jackets too. So we usually split our team spirit gear for both teams. 🙂


Rehab goes well. I did 8 miles on the bike on Wednesday and not sure what’s up today, other than meeting with nutrition after my workout time. Yeah nutrition…sort of. As I’ve done more reading on food and good ways to eat, I’ve been inclined to go for a whole food diet as opposed to Weight Watchers/etc., which is mostly processed stuff (at least the pre made foods they have), and the recipes require things that are generally altered. I like to cook, so I might as well do it, right? With real foods? That’s my thought process.


In CCD this week, I’m teaching the kids about the second coming, the Four Last Things, and Purgatory. In case you were a poorly catechized Catholic (or not Catholic at all): The Four Last Things are Heaven, Hell, Death and Judgement. So yes, we’ll be talking about those things with the kids. Yes, Hell is real, guys. I’ll try not to scare them too much. 🙂 (We’re watching a video about the Fatima apparitions in a few weeks–The Day The Sun Danced–and it has a scene of Hell, since Mary showed the children a vision of Hell. So they’re gonna get the picture in an age-appropriate way.)


Back to yoga with a vengeance. I know I need to be. I can do it at home and there’s a great center nearby. The body needs it, I need it, so that’s that. Full stop. 🙂


Next weekend: Silent retreat! YES! So excited. I love silent retreats and can’t wait to go on this one. How can I pray for you? Leave an intention in the com box, if you have one. 🙂 This will be my first one in a few years, and I need it!


I’m in the midst of Elizabeth Foss’s brilliant RESTORE workshop. I am loving every second of it. I have to lay down routines and plans and habits so I can have the life I want, and a life that will promote/preserve my health. This is especially important since I got my CT scan results back Thursday and I appear to be in chronic rejection, which means there is scarring happening in my lungs and we want that to stop. Sometimes this scarring can lead to a second transplant, sometimes you can live for decades with it. We’re not sure exactly how it starts or what it is or how to fix it. We’re on the cusp of modern medicine here. So: I need to really, truly focus on what is important to me and make it happen. I have to do these things and not waste words, breath, or pixels. I gotta do it. RESTORE is so helping me get there, providing me with great essays, community, and tools. Because it’s pedal to the metal time. No more messing around with things that waste brain cells and induce frustration.


So, the book proposal is going out. It is. I’m finishing it, printing it, and mailing it. We’re gonna get it done.

September Adventure: OM yoga with a great teacher

As we know, I like yoga. I’ve been doing it since college,  very much on and off, because it’s great for my cranky joints, is relaxing, stretches my ridiculously tight hamstrings (which, after 10+ years of work, are actually looser, yes!) and it’s exercise I enjoy.

For a lot of years, I did home practice, using the OM Yoga books by Cyndi Lee. Her philosophy of yoga–knowing your body, different practices on different days, incorporating restorative yoga, etc.–struck me immediately, and I’ve used her books and cards to form my own practice. Her studio used to be in NYC, and I dreamed about taking class with her.

On Saturday, I got to do that, without leaving my city!

The OM Yoga studio in NYC closed, and Cyndi has relocated to Yoga on High, my home yoga studio. To welcome her, Yohi (as it’s abbreviated) had a weekend of special workshops and classes with Cyndi. I took the Saturday morning class.

It was full–maybe 40 people–all practicing together. It was for all skill levels, but it was vinyasa yoga, which is more of a constant flow of poses, and it was a bit “hot” in the room. After a few sun salutations, my sticky mat was a slip and slide. But everyone moved at their own paces, and if you couldn’t do the pose, you could just rest until the class moved on.

Cyndi gave everyone individual attention, which was great, and her assistant did a great job with adjustments and hints and tips. It was great to be with so many like-minded people all working out on a gorgeous fall morning.

She was friendly, funny, and a great teacher. She’ll be teaching twice a week at Yohi, but I don’t know if I’m fit enough to be in her class, even at the beginner level. So I’m going to stick with hatha for a bit longer. Maybe eventually I can add in some of her classes for variety.


May 2012

We continue on the Merry Year of 30!


Making time

I’m taking an online class right now called “make time”, where the idea is to clear your schedule of the debris to make time for the real things you want to accomplish in life. As I’ve talked about, I want to live a life that allows me to do the things I really want to do.

Summer, for some reason, always energizes me and makes me think of things I want to do, both on a micro and macro level: things I want to accomplish this week, and also this month, this season, this year.

Some of those things are coming into play already as my summer takes shape, such as:

  • Going to a Columbus Symphony “Picnic with the Pops” concert on June 23, featuring Idina Menzel.
  • Spending a good chunk of time in Pittsburgh with my family, including my little cousins. I love all my cousins, but I really love the little ones. I seem to do well with kids under 10, and my youngest cousin has developed a special affinity for me. (He’s adorable and I love him to pieces, so it’s reciprocated.) I’m going up with my parents at the end of June, so we’ll be able to attend some church festivals, celebrate my parents’ wedding anniversary and my grandma’s 82nd birthday, go to Idlewild Amusement Park (where I’ve never been, and there’s a “Thomas the Tank Engine Show” that Youngest Cousin will looooove), and probably eat some good food, shop, swim…all that good stuff.
  • Outdoor theater in Schiller Park

But I also want to make time for music, writing, reading, and, of course, the fitness stuff. I want to go to the awesome festivals that my city has during the summer, and see the Opera’s production of The Mikado, since I’ve never seen a Gilbert and Sullivan show. And this year, I want to see an opera at the Met in NYC, and take my cousin Jack to see The Phantom of the Opera, which he’s never seen. My aunt and I want to see Dan Stevens (Matthew on Downton Abbey) in his Broadway debut in November.

Right now I’m in “decompress” mode, since the show ended yesterday. I’m going to bed early (like within the hour). I made a meal plan for this week, which I haven’t been able to do lately. I love to cook and trying new recipes is something I’m looking forward to. There is yoga tomorrow, and on Wednesday. Thursday I’m going to holy hour at my parish and then having dinner with some friends I haven’t seen in awhile, thanks to the show. And then it’s Memorial Day weekend and the “official” start of summer, which also means the return of the Jane Austen re-read (I re-read her books every summer). So things like the things I’m doing this week are “micro”, where things like the opera and NYC are “macro.”

Post-yoga class at The Nest

I want to spend time with people I care about. I want to learn new music and have new experiences and explore the city I’ve lived in my entire life, so that I don’t miss anything. And I want to read great new books and cook good food! I want to take twilight swims and sit under the stars and find constellations and learn their stories. And, of course, the book proposal.

What do you want to do this summer? Or this year? How are you going to make time for it?

Balance: An update

Since I wrote the first balance post, I’ve made some progress in the area of exercise, which I thought I’d share.

My objective, in creating an exercise program and getting more physically active, isn’t designed to impress people (other than my doctors!). It’s designed to be fun and work with what my body gives me, increasing the speed/strenuousness as the body allows.

The treadmill is something I’ve always liked. I don’t get “bored” with it, any more than I would with any other activity (that’s not reading, or music, or movies). I like the tangible sense of data and progress it gives me. Fitness is one area where I like numbers very much. On a treadmill I can control speed and incline, and it’s easy to do intervals, which I like to do (because it helps rack up mileage. See how that works?). Now that the show is in its final weekend, I can start heading back to my apartment complex’s fitness room with more regularity. Also, yoga and ballet will be on the schedule–yoga more so for the time being, because where I take ballet goes to “open” classes in July/August, with no classes for adults in June. I do however use ballet beautiful, and really like it. And, with the advent of summer, swimming!

All of these things are fun (to me), make me sweat, and raise my heart rate. These are good things.

Also in summer, there’s a lot of fun outdoor activities–fairs, festivals, amusement parks.

So my summer fitness schedule looks like this:

Sunday: treadmill/swimming/walk in a park/ballet beautiful

Monday: OFF

Tuesday: yoga class

Wednesday: yoga class and ballet beautiful (one session)

Thursday: Treadmill/swimming

Friday: Something outdoorsy/or indoor (treadmill/ballet beautiful) depending on weather

Saturday: AM treadmill, with other activities optional

The only things that are definites are yoga on Tuesday and Wednesday. Everything else has different options, depending on the day. I imagine I”ll do a lot more swimming than treadmill, but it really doesn’t matter.